Cameo instant haze fluid hazer væske, 5 ltr

kr 449,00

inkl. mva

Cameo Haze Fluid er en vannbasert væske spesielt komponert for hazere og skaper en meget jevn, detaljert tåke/dis med lang «standing time» og høy lysreflekterende kapasitet. Meget godt egnet for scenebruk, i nattklubber, til film og TV.

Cameo Haze Fluid er 100% oljefri og klar til bruk, biologisk nedbrytbar og fullstendig uskadelig for mennesker og dyr. Plastkannen kan gjenvinnes.




Produktnummer: 612264-HAZ5L Kategorier: ,

The water-based Cameo Haze Fluid is specifically formulated for haze machines and creates a highly uniform, fine haze with long standing time and high reflective capacity. The 100% oil-free fluid is immediately ready to use, odour-free and ideal for all stage applications, nightclubs, film and television.

The quality of the Cameo Haze-Fluid is continuously monitored during production in Germany. It is biodegradable and completely harmless; the appropriate certificate and a DIN safety data sheet are available for download. Furthermore, the container is also reusable.

The water used in the manufacturing process of the fluids is distilled 10 times and thus guarantees that the fluids in use hardly contain any residues.

  • very high quality water-based haze fluid for haze machines
  • ideal for use in TV, theatres, stages and Nightclubs
  • capacity 5 ltr
  • 100% oil-free
  • made in Germany
  • ready to use
  • odourless
  • biodegradable
  • very good reflective behaviour
  • non-toxic
