Cameo Snow Fluid , for produksjon av «snø» (skum), 5 ltr

kr 275,00

inkl. mva

Med Cameo Snow Fluid kan du lage skum/snø på profesjonelle «snømaskiner». 

  • Lager faste, hvite «snø-flak» av skum som gir en spennende lysrefleksjon.
  • Skummet forsvinner uten at det settes merker.
  • Cameo Snow Fluid er klar til bruk,
  • luktfri,
  • biologisk nedbrytbar og
  • ufarlig for helsen.
  • Plastkannen kan resirkuleres.


Tilgjengelighet Kun 2 på lager

Produktnummer: 612267-SNOW5L Kategorier: ,

The Cameo Snow-Fluid is formulated specifically for professional snow machines and generates solid white foam flakes with high reflective capacity, that dissolve without residue . It is immediately ready to use, odourless and biodegradable.

The Cameo Snow Fluid is completely harmless and non-toxic; a compliance certificate and a DIN safety data sheet are available for download. It is manufactured in Germany under continuous quality control; the container can be re-used.

The water used in the manufacturing process of the fluids is distilled 10 times and thus guarantees that the fluids in use hardly contain any residues.

    • Very high quality special fluid for snow machines
    • for the production of solid white foam
    • Capacity 15 L
    • made in Germany
    • ready to use
    • odourless
    • biodegradable
    • very good reflective behaviour
    • non-toxic